2020 Property Tax Rates: Districts in Allen County, IN

Summary Statistics for this County and the State

Property Tax Rates in Allen County, IN Property Tax Rates in State
Highest 3.3799 8.4716
Lowest1.6072 0.901
Median1.92 2.04

Allen County Taxing Districts Detail

District Name Rate Rank
038 ABOITE 1.6387 1503
039 ADAMS 2.0422 1026
040 ADAMS PTC 2.1037 956
041 NEW HAVEN ADAMS PTC 2.9668 379
042 CEDAR CREEK 1.6092 1534
043 GRABILL CEDAR CREEK 2.5260 631
044 EEL RIVER 1.8166 1296
045 JACKSON 1.6072 1537
046 JEFFERSON 1.6754 1470
047 NEW HAVEN JEFFERSON 2.9370 402
048 LAFAYETTE 1.7527 1375
049 LAKE 1.8286 1286
050 MADISON 1.6798 1465
051 MARION 1.6363 1504
052 MAUMEE 1.6798 1465
053 WOODBURN 2.2952 820
054 MILAN 1.6583 1485
055 MONROE 1.6723 1472
056 MONROEVILLE 2.9581 392
057 PERRY 1.8206 1292
058 HUNTERTOWN 1.9130 1164
059 PLEASANT 1.8632 1244
060 PLEASANT PTC 1.9247 1154
061 SCIPIO 1.6192 1526
062 SPRINGFIELD 1.6309 1512
063 ST. JOSEPH 1.7952 1324
064 ST. JOSEPH PTC 1.8567 1248
065 WASHINGTON 1.7902 1329
066 WASHINGTON PTC 1.8517 1259
067 WAYNE 1.9955 1084
068 WAYNE PTC 2.0570 998
069 FW ADAMS FWCS 3.2863 267
070 FW ADAMS EACS 3.1687 306
071 FW PLEASANT 3.2476 280
072 FW ST. JOSEPH 3.2602 273
073 FW WASHINGTON 3.2510 279
074 FW WAYNE 3.3799 238
075 FW ABOITE 3.1531 311
076 FW WAYNE SW FIRE DIST 3.0513 340
077 FW ADAMS NH PARK EACS 3.1709 305
079 ZANESVILLE 1.8917 1200
082 LEO-CEDARVILLE 1.9450 1136
085 NH ST. JOSEPH 3.0583 335
087 HUNTERTOWN EEL RIVER 1.9090 1169
091 FW PERRY 3.3171 254
097 FW MILAN 3.1343 315


  1. Property tax reform was enacted by the Indiana Legislature in 2008 which significantly affects the way property taxes are calculated. For more information see the Department of Local Government Finance website or the Indiana Local Government Information website from Purdue University.
  2. With the 2002 reassessment, Indiana changed from "true tax value" to "market based value." As a result, rates will vary significantly from previous years. This does not necessarily indicate significant changes in taxes levied.
  3. Ranks are among 2,060 taxing districts so far reported.
  4. These data are organized and made accessible on STATS Indiana by the Indiana Business Research Center at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. However, the source agency for these rates is the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, so specific tax-related questions should be addressed to their office.

File produced: May 15, 2020

Source: STATS Indiana, using Indiana Department of Local Government Finance data