STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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Annual Housing Unit Estimates

Residential Building Permits



Note: These data are collected from individual permit offices, most of which are municipalities. The data are aggregated each year to the county level. The statistics are based on reports submitted by local building permit officials in response to a mail survey. They are obtained using Form C-404, Report of New Privately-Owned Residential Building or Zoning Permits Issued.

When a report is not received, missing data are either (1) obtained from the Survey of Use of Permits (SUP) which is used to collect information on housing starts or (2) imputed. Data for SUP are available only for about 850 places for which Census Bureau field representatives list permits. Imputations are based on the assumption that the ratio of current month authorizations to those of a year ago should be the same for reporting and non-reporting places.

Housing Market




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