STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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About the Indiana IN Depth Profile

Developed with significant input from users, these profiles provide a substantive overview for each of Indiana's 92 counties and regions within the state, with a state profile for comparison. They are also continuously updated throughout the year as updates are received from our sources.

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Geographic Coverage

Geographic Coverage

  • Indiana
  • Indiana counties
  • Indiana MSAs
  • A variety of regional configurations


Continually as new data arrive from sources. Keep this in mind when printing the profiles. We suggest that you re-visit the profiles many times throughout the year to obtain the most current information.

Important Data Notes

Population Over Time includes counts of the population (every 10 years from a census) and annual estimates provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Components of Population Change provide the two factors that drive the engine of population growth—natural increase (more births than deaths) and net migration—positive (more people moved into the county than out of it) and negative (more people moved out than in). A "percent of state" figure is not an appropriate calculation for net migration.

Population by Age focuses on six age groups, as well as the median age for the area.

Population by Race or Hispanic Origin uses categories defined by the federal government. It is important to note that Hispanic is not a race, but an ethnicity. This means that a Hispanic person can also be counted as a white individual or a black individual.

Household Types does not include all household types (for example, unrelated individuals sharing a housing unit—termed by the Census Bureau as "nonfamily households"). Single parents are those father or mother headed households with related children.

Housing data includes total number of housing units, as well as median value and median rent.

Education data includes high school graduates who indicated an intent to go on to higher education. That doesn't necessarily mean that they did go to college or that those students who did not indicate such an intent didn't wind up going to college after high school.

Income and Poverty data rely on the most current indicators available to us from three different source agencies. The poverty rate indicated is based on a series of new estimates by the Census Bureau.

Health and Vital Statistics data is very selective here. All births and deaths are based on the residence of the mother (births) or person (deaths), not the hospital location.

Labor Force uses the latest annual averages, as well as the most current month's unemployment rate. Labor force is a people number; that is, it shows how many people, in their county of residence, are either working or looking for work. The labor force is the sum of the employed and unemployed.

Employment and Earnings by Industry is an annual data series for all 3,000+ counties in the nation that goes back to 1969. Not all industry categories are shown in the profile table. Note: employment by industry is a jobs number; that is, the number of jobs in a particularly industry. Keep in mind that people can hold more than one job.

Assessed Property Value provides the value by property class, as well as total assessed value per capita.

Residential Building Permits is an annual county-based series from the U.S. Census Bureau.