STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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Employment & Earnings

Tracking the number of jobs in an area and the wages they pay is an essential and ongoing development task. But which data series to use? Each of these have advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen based on the specific task at hand.

Monthly Current Employment Statistics (CES)

The CES data is the most current.

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

The QCEW data set has the most industry detail.

Annual Employment and Earnings Including Sole Proprietors (BEA)

The BEA data set is the most comprehensive since it includes farm and non-farm sole proprietors and not just covered payroll.

Compensation by Industry

This data set includes the value of benefits, such as health care and retirement.

Business Starts and Dissolutions

These data reflect new business incorporations filed with the Indiana Secretary of State.

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