STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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Poverty & Welfare

Poverty Data

Poverty data come from a variety of different sources. Learn about them and get recommendations on which one to use »

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

We encourage users to read the description of confidence intervals and how they affect the use of these estimates.

Annual Social and Economic Supplement (Current Population Survey)

American Community Survey (ACS)

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

Indiana Youth Institute

Welfare Data

The State of Indiana has programs in place to assist families and persons living in poverty. TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) is a program that provides cash assistance to children under age 18 who are deprived of financial support of a parent. Eligibility requires a child who is living with a parent or relative such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc., and deprived of financial support from a parent by reason of death, absence from the home, unemployment, or a physical or mental incapacity. A family may not possess assets valued in excess of $1,000 at the time application for assistance is made. The house, which is the usual residence, is exempt.

Another form of assistance for which we provide county data is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) program, formerly known as food stamps, designed to raise the nutritional level of low income households by supplementing their available food purchasing dollars with food stamp coupons. To qualify, applicants must meet both non-financial and financial requirements. Non-financial requirements include state residency, citizenship/alien status, work registration and cooperation with the IMPACT Program. Financial criteria include income and asset limits. There is a gross income limit for the number of people sharing food the stamps will buy, except for households with elderly or disabled members.

Living Wage Estimates

  • Self-Sufficiency Standard: The Self-Sufficiency Standard defines the amount of income necessary to meet basic needs without public subsidies (e.g., food stamps) and without private assistance (e.g., free babysitting by a relative). It is calculated for each Indiana county for a variety of family types.
  • Living Wage Calculator (MIT)

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