STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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A region's economy thrives or dives because of the people who choose to live there. Monitoring change in the size and movement of population is an important barometer of well-being since it can presage more notable events, such as lackluster business attraction due to lack of workers.

Popular Tables

Total Population Decennial Census Annual Estimates Projections
States 1900-2020 2020-2023 View list
Indiana Counties 1900-2020 2020-2023 2025-2050
Indiana Places (Cities and Towns) 1900-2020 2020-2023 n/a
Indiana Townships 1890-2020 2020-2023 n/a
Population by Age*
States and U.S. Counties   2000-2023 n/a
Indiana Counties   2000-2023 2025-2050
Population by Race and Hispanic Origin*
States and U.S. Counties   2000-2023 n/a
Indiana Counties   2000-2023 n/a

*These data are not available for places and townships

Annual Estimates

  • Components of Change Overview (or time series)
    • Note: Data from 2000 to 2009 come from the Census Bureau’s vintage 2009 population estimates, which are benchmarked to Census 2000 (which means these data are not consistent with results from Census 2010). Data from 2010 to 2019 come from the Census Bureau’s vintage 2020 population estimates, which are benchmarked to Census 2010. Data from 2020 to 2023 come from the Census Bureau’s vintage 2023 population estimates, which are benchmarked to Census 2020. Data for the decennial years 2000, 2010 and 2020 cover only a three-month period of those years (April through June). In other words, there is a nine-month break in this time series. For example, no data are available for the period between July 2019 and April 2020.

  • Interactive Graphics
  • Learn more about the population estimates data

Additional Census Data

Intercensal Estimates

After each census, the Census Bureau revisits the annual estimates to take into account differences between those estimates produced during the decade and the decennial census results. View more intercensal estimate data.

2000s (Released September 2011)

1990s (Released April 17, 2002)


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