STATS Indiana

Indiana's Public Data Utility

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National Data

State Transportation Statistics: Publications from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics include state-level data comparisons on a variety of topics:

  • Intrastructure
  • Fatalities and Injuries
  • Distracted Driving and Safety Equipment
  • Freight Volumes and Values
  • Passenger Travel
  • Economy and Finance
  • Energy and Environment

Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey: VIUS is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, in partnership with the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, and the U.S. Department of Energy, to better understand the characteristics and use of trucks on our nation's roads.

Indiana Data

Crash Statistics

Indiana Traffic Safety Facts: Analysis of motor vehicle crash data, including county-level crash data, topical fact sheets and the annual Indiana Crash Fact Book.

Vehicle Registrations

Indiana Vehicle Fuel Dashboard: Designed to provide public information about the types of vehicle fuels in the state and how it trends over time, the dashboard allows users to explore Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles registration data from January 2018 to present. Use the dashboard to explore vehicle registration counts for the entire state and filter the data by your specific interest: by county, year, fuel type, vehicle type, and/or weight category (for applicable vehicle types).

Historical Data

The data below are only available through 2005.

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