STATS Indiana

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Warren County, Indiana

Named in 1827 for Revolutionary Commander Joseph Warren

County Seat: Williamsport

Largest City: Williamsport (2023 population: 1,965)

Population per Square Mile: 23.36

Square Miles: 364.70

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Population over TimeNumberRank in StatePercent of StateIndiana
Yesterday (2020)8,440900.1%6,484,050
Today (2023)8,518900.1%6,862,199
Tomorrow (2030 projection)*8,588900.1%7,013,509
Percent Change 2020 to Today0.9%44 1.1%

*Projection based on 2020 Census population estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; Indiana Business Research Center

Components of Population Change, 2022-2023NumberRank in StatePercent of StateIndiana
Net Domestic Migration3553 4,599
Net International Migration476 17,869
Natural Increase (births minus deaths)-830-0.1%7,508

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Population Estimates by Age, 2023NumberRank in StatePct Dist.
in County
Pct Dist.
in State
Preschool (0 to 4)417904.9%5.9%
School Age (5 to 17)1,4569017.1%17.2%
College Age (18 to 24)586906.9%9.6%
Young Adult (25 to 44)1,9419022.8%25.8%
Older Adult (45 to 64)2,2918926.9%24.2%
Seniors (65 and older)1,8278921.4%17.2%
Median Age43.6  Median Age = 38.2

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; Indiana Business Research Center

Population Estimates by Race and Hispanic Origin, 2023NumberRank of Pct Dist.
in County
Pct Dist.
in State
American Indian or Alaska Native Alone40890.5%0.5%
Asian Alone47860.6%2.9%
Black Alone39920.5%10.4%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pac. Isl. Alone5790.1%0.1%
Two or More Race Groups111911.3%2.5%
Hispanic or Latino Origin (can be of any race)    

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Household TypesNumberRank in StatePct Dist.
in County
Pct Dist.
in State
Households in 2022 (Includes detail not shown below)3,31290100.0%100.0%
Married With Children6728620.3%18.1%
Married Without Children1,2598938.0%29.6%
Single Parents222896.7%9.0%
Living Alone7719023.3%29.4%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates.

HousingNumberRank in StatePct Dist.
in County
Pct Dist.
in State
Total Housing Units in 2023 (estimate)3,72990100.0%100.0%
Total Housing Units in 2022 (includes vacant units)3,67190100.0%100.0%
Owner Occupied
(Pct. distribution based on all housing units)
Median Value (2022)$151,40052  
Renter Occupied
(Pct. distribution based on all housing units)
Median Rent (2022)$55866  

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates.

EducationNumberRank in StatePercent of StateIndiana
School Enrollment (2022/2023 Total Reported) 1,389890.1%1,124,094
Adults (25+ in 2022 ACS)6,046890.1%4,532,091
with High School diploma or higher92.6%14 90%
with B.A. or higher degree19.2%44 28.2%

Sources: Indiana Department of Education; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates.

Income and PovertyNumberRank in StatePercent of StateIndiana
Per Capita Personal Income (annual) in 2022$53,4303891.6%58,323
Median Household Income in 202273,53916110.1%$66,768
Poverty Rate in 20229.6%7076.8%12.5%
Poverty Rate among Children under 1813.3%5986.4%15.4%
Welfare (TANF) Monthly Average Families in 20223920.1%3,933
Food Stamp Recipients in 2022446910.1%611,203
Free and Reduced Fee Lunch Recipients in 2022/2023699890.1%511,735

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S. Census Bureau; Indiana Family Social Services Administration; Indiana Department of Education

Health and Vital StatisticsNumberRank of Percent of StateIndiana
Births, 202189900.1%79,946
Births to Teens, 20210860.0%3,845
Deaths, 201990890.1%66,005

Source: Indiana State Department of Health

Labor Force, 2023NumberRank in StatePercent of StateIndiana
Total Resident Labor Force4,146900.1%3,401,387
Annual Unemployment Rate2.96187.9%3.3
August 2024 Unemployment Rate4.05090.9%4.4

Source: STATS Indiana, using data from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Employment and Earnings by Industry, 2022 EmploymentPct Dist.
in County
Earnings ($000)Pct Dist.
In County
Avg. Earnings Per Job
Total by place of work3,224100.0%$186,632100.0%$57,888
Wage and Salary1,95860.7%$100,17953.7%$51,164
Farm Proprietors33810.5%$49,13526.3%$145,370
Nonfarm Proprietors92828.8%$14,1657.6%$15,264
  Accommodation, Food Serv.471.5%$7560.4%$16,085
  Arts, Ent., Recreation130.4%$1,7530.9%$134,846
  Health Care, Social Serv.2407.4%$18,63610.0%$77,650
  Professional, Tech. Serv.1073.3%$2,9531.6%$27,598
  Retail TradeData not available due to BEA non-disclosure requirements.
  Trans., Warehousing1996.2%$15,2098.1%$76,427
  Wholesale Trade1474.6%$11,3346.1%$77,102
  Other Private (not above)364*11.3%*$9,118*4.9%*$25,049*

Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
* These totals do not include county data that are not available due to BEA non-disclosure requirements.

Residential Building Permits, 2023UnitsPct Dist.
in County
Pct Dist.
in State
Cost ($000)State Cost ($000)
Total Permits Filed46100.0%100.0%$15,134$7,695,489
3- and 4-Family00.0%0.9%$0$40,460
5+ Family00.0%34.2%$0$1,594,777

Notes: Detail cost may not sum to total due to rounding. Greene County does not currently issue building permits, so it is excluded.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Largest Cities and Towns in Warren County

in 2023
Percent of County
Pine Village2112.5%
State Line City1231.4%
West Lebanon6928.1%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau annual population estimates

city graph